How to find the model of my phone
Check the current status of a phone with only the IMEI number for FREE!
- Find out the exact model of a second-hand phone you want to buy
- Learn everything about your phone so you can sell it for the best price
- Unlock your phone correctly by confirming the exact model

Can't find or don't know the model of your phone?
Type the IMEI number and you will know the exact model
Get your comprehensive Blacklist report from the GSMA Assoc within minutes. Detailed country and carrier information included.

Verify if your iPhone is locked or not before placing your unlocking order.

Find out if your phone can be unlocked.
Recommended before buying a used phone.

Find out if your phone can be unlocked.
Recommended before buying a used phone.

Perform this check before you decide to buy or network unlock an iPhone.

Find out to which network your phone is locked so you can submit your unlocking request.

Find out if the Xiaomi Mi Account is on.
Quick and official Xiaomi check.

Check if your phone has been blacklisted in our proprietary database. Limited query.
doctorSIM reviews
Is it necessary to know the exact device model?
For certain brands it is not necessary, as all models are grouped under the same category, but for others, such as iPhone and Nokia, you need to know the exact model.
The reason why the exact model is important is because the availability of the unlock service and its price depend on the phone model, and it's necessary to indicate the correct model to network unlock a device.
With doctorSIM, it's very easy to find out what your model is with a quick IMEI check.
Where do I find my phone model?
This information can be found in the invoice, on the phone's original box, and in the phone's settings.
As these options might not always be available, we can help you with a quick and totally free IMEI check.
How much does it cost?
That's the best part! It's free! The phone model check won't cost you a dime.
Just type your phone's IMEI code and get the FREE IMEI check information of your exact model.